HPM Series Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher

HPM Series Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher HPM Series Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher
  • Production Capacity 81-1100t/h
  • Feed size≤326mm

Multi-cylinder cone crusher is a fine crushing broken material in the hard crushing equipment.


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Internal Structure

Production Introduction

Multi-cylinder hydraulic cone crusher mainly consists of fixed cone, dynamic cone, eccentric bushing, transmission device, rack device, adjusting ring, feed bin, and adjustment device of discharge port, hydraulic station, lubrication station, special tools and other components. It is developed based on the spring cone crusher and its basic structure is similar with spring cone crusher. Multi-cylinder cone crusher is typical crushing equipment for the medium and fine crushing of hard materials. It is widely used in mining, metallurgy, construction, chemical, power, transportation and other industries.



Unique structure

1. Full hydraulic protection and adjustment device saves labor and time.

2. The use of laminated crushing make it has high utilization, perfect particle shape and uniform particle size.

3. It increases the eccentric distance and improves processing capacity.

Easy operation

In the process of working, the dynamic cone does swinging movement along the inner surface. In the near place from the dynamic cone, the materials are crushed by the extrusion of dynamic cone, and in the far place from the dynamic cone, the crushed materials fall down from the bottom of the cone due to gravity. The whole process of crushing and unloading is carried out continuously and orderly along the inner surface.


A super-large-scaled modern green industrial workshop 260000 square meters, large and medium-sized gold processing, maohan, assembly equipment more than 600 sets.


HPM Series Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone CrusherTechnical Parameter

Model Cavities Broken cone big end diameter(mm) Feeding size(mm) Maximum Feeding size(mm) Adjusting Range of Discharge port(mm) Capacity(t/h) Power(kw) Weight of main machine(t)
HPM200 C1 900 185 145 22~38 160~250 160 11
C2 125 100 18~38 145~250
C3 95 75 14~38 120~250
F1 76 60 12~25 108~210
F2 54 45 10~25 81~210
F3 23 20 8~25 72~210
HPM300 C1 1100 235 190 26~45 230~445 220 20
C2 211 170 20~45 200~445
C3 150 120 16~45 180~445
F1 107 85 14~25 160~220
F2 53 40 12~25 140~220
F3 25 20 8~25 120~220
HPM400 C1 1400 299 240 30~51 270~630 315 27
C2 198 160 20~51 243~630
C3 111 90 14~51 210~630
F1 92 75 12~25 162~370
F2 52 40 10~25 126~370
F3 51 40 8~25 104~370
HPM500 C1 1500 335 270 32~51 365~790 400 40
C2 286 230 25~51 328~790
C3 204 165 19~51 280~790
F1 133 105 16~25 202~450
F2 95 75 13~25 158~450
F3 52 40 8~25 122~450
HPM800 C1 2000 353 280 32~51 616~1100 630 70
C2 297 240 32~51 522~1100
C3 219 175 16~51 380~1100
F1 155 125 13~25 328~730
F2 92 75 10~25 270~730
F3 33 25 5~25 166~730

Note:processing Capacity May Vary With Different Materials And Feeding Sizes.

Model Cavities Maximum Feeding size(mm) Capacity(t/h)
HPM200 C1 145 160~250
C2 100 145~250
C3 75 120~250
F1 60 108~210
F2 45 81~210
F3 20 72~210
HPM300 C1 190 230~445
C2 170 200~445
C3 120 180~445
F1 85 160~220
F2 40 140~220
F3 20 120~220
HPM400 C1 240 270~630
C2 160 243~630
C3 90 210~630
F1 75 162~370
F2 40 126~370
F3 40 104~370
HPM500 C1 270 365~790
C2 230 328~790
C3 165 280~790
F1 105 202~450
F2 75 158~450
F3 40 122~450
HPM800 C1 280 616~1100
C2 240 522~1100
C3 175 380~1100
F1 125 328~730
F2 75 270~730
F3 25 166~730

Note:processing Capacity May Vary With Different Materials And Feeding Sizes.

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